The Project
With your help, interest and generosity we have created a community facility for the 21st Century. We have achieved this by providing:

Dunster Village Museum – documenting 10,000 years of Dunster’s history, plus in-depth information on key aspects of Dunster’s history – like its wool industry. There are important artefacts on display and also some amazing Roman pots found by Dunster Museum Archaeology Group. Discovering Dunster’s history is a work in progress and the Museum will be ever changing as we keep making new discoveries.
Doll Collection – on a new mezzanine floor – the Harborne Gallery, housing a wide selection of curated dolls from its large collection with Mollie Hardwicks dolls at its heart.
A ‘Victorian’ snooker room for that special evening or club meeting.

A village room for meetings in comfort, with seating for up to 18 people for use as a study base for children, for small presentations or intimate parties and gatherings. Also the home of Dunster Cinema with a new projector and screen.

The meeting room has its own kitchen facilities and a new larger kitchen has been installed on the ground floor for catering for larger gatherings.

Accessibility improvements including a lift to the Doll Collection on the mezzanine floor and a new multi-use toilet that is disabled & baby change friendly.
Free Wi-Fi for villagers and visitors.
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